Specialize in Humanitarian Innovation, Sustainable Finance, or Social Entrepreneurship.
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Learn more about the Roxbourg Professional MBA+DBA Dual Degree Program
1. For Professionals only: Roxbourg Professional MBA+DBA are professional higher education degrees for Architects, Athletes, Teachers, Doctors, Engineers, Lawyers, Humanitarians, and Founders who want to translate their experience into a professional doctorate. Depending on the specialization the candidates can receive global professional Roxbourg.MBA and Roxbourg.DBA degrees in Social Entrepreneurship or Sustainable Finance or Humanitarian Innovation.
2. Eligibility Criteria: You want to master every detail of Social Entrepreneurship, Sustainable Finance or Humanitarian Innovation; experience the joy of teaching sustainable innovation by actively leading or co-leading over 100 seminars or jam sessions; empower sustainable innovators from around the world to scale up local or global innovations; you are ready to accelerate your initiative that is registered with local authorities; and you already possess a university degree or equivalent work experience.
3. Rolling Admissions: You can apply throughout the year. You will go through several rounds of interviews where you will be requested to share the details of your project. You will need a good internet connection. You need to be sure that you can join the jam sessions (seminars) on the agreed timeslots per week.
4. Fees & Scholarships: Roxbourg is on a mission to make quality higher education affordable for everyone who wants to build a better world. The tuition fee is 56,000 Swiss Francs and you can decide the amount you can pay depending on your circumstances.
5. Learning Method: You will join a Study Group where you will participate in Roxbourg Jam Sessions focused on broadening your understanding of sustainable innovation by leveraging the Roxbourg Library and Google Scholar. As Study Group Lead, you will be setting an example for the MBA candidates as they accelerate their initiatives. You will be required to develop your venture plan using the Roxbourg X.0 Method. The structure of the Roxbourg Professional MBA+DBA Dual Degree Program is unique and is divided into 4 parts:
First 100 Days Checklist
:: Join your Study Group.
:: Learn the Roxbourg Method.
:: Master the Core Subjects by exploring the Roxbourg Library.
:: Start leading group discussions by regularly attending the Jam Sessions.
:: Start updating your website with your offers and your social media with your achievements.
:: Finalize your venture registration or secure project sponsorship.
:: Start partnership discussions.
Second 100 Days Checklist (Direct admission to the second block for Roxbourg DBA candidates with a Roxbourg MBA)
:: Continue to polish and update your website with your offers and your social media with your achievements.
:: Accelerate your venture by closing anchor deals to build capability/capacity to serve more people.
:: Continue to lead group discussions by regularly attending the Jam Sessions.
:: Pitch to the Roxbourg Jury in order to set an example (potentially with the Roxbourg Gold Medal).
Note: All Doctorate candidates have the option to complete their Humanitarian MBA after 200 days based on the progress of their social venture or sustainable project.
Third 100 Days Checklist
:: Set an example by continuing to accelerate your venture or project.
:: Start practicing your 4-8 minute keynote speech.
:: Option to specialize in Social Entrepreneurship or Sustainable Finance or Humanitarian Innovation.
:: Option to lead “Deep Dive” Anytime Jam Sessions.
:: Pitch to the Roxbourg Jury in order to set an example (potentially with the Roxbourg Gold Medal).
Fourth 100 Days Checklist
:: Start preparing for your 4-8 minute keynote speech at the GoodFestival.
:: Set an example by continuing to accelerate your venture or project.
:: Continue to lead group discussions by regularly attending the Jam Sessions
:: Pitch to the Roxbourg Jury in order to set an example (potentially with the Roxbourg Gold Medal).
:: Present at the GoodFestival and graduate with the Roxbourg Professional MBA + Roxbourg DBA Dual Degrees.
Note: All Roxbourg DBA candidates need to complete at least 2 more semesters after completing their Roxbourg MBA in order to complete the requirements for the ROXBOURG DBA degree program.
6. Graduation Requirements: You can present your 8-minute keynote speech to the Roxbourg Jury after you have attended 144 out of 180 jam sessions and your Study Group is comfortable with the details of your Venture Plan and your 8-minute Keynote Speech. In order to graduate with professional Roxbourg.MBA and Roxbourg.DBA degrees, you need to score at least 80% and a score of more than 90% is required to win the Roxbourg Gold Medal.
DBA Graduation Requirements Summary from Roxbourg Policy
:: Attendance and full participation (at least 36 out of 45 sessions per semester) for 4 semesters.
:: Anchor Deals to set an example by accelerating your social venture - building new capabilities and/or market expansion and from Roxbourg 7.0 onwards, mastering the 14 core subjects.
:: Keynote or Pitching option:
+ All DBA candidates need to give a keynote speech (during the Onboarding Session or at the GoodFestival).
+ All DBA candidates have the option to pitch to the Roxbourg Jury for a Roxbourg Gold Medal and/or Roxbourg Accreditation.