Home > Roxbourg One Million Scholarships
/ Roxbourg One Million Scholarships /
Roxbourg offers need based scholarships to professionals, academies and organizations who decide to co-sponsor candidates for the Roxbourg Humanitarian MBA and the Roxbourg Humanitarian Doctorate together with the Roxbourg Institute of Social Entrepreneurship (RISE), Switzerland.
The Dr. Saleem Scholarship
The Dr Saleem Scholarship embodies humility, excellence and community engagement in keeping with the memory of Dr Mohamed Saleem, a much loved family and public figure from Sri Lanka. He embodied the spirit of humility and being in control of his ego. He demanded excellence in terms of everything that one did. He famously said “if you are a street cleaner, be the best. There is no shame in anything that you do as long as you do it honestly and to serve a higher purpose" This spirituality completes the third pillar of community engagement, where his sole aim was to bridge gaps between communities. He dedicated the last 2 decades of his life working for the betterment of communities, bringing them together, transcending faith and ethnic divides, empowering them and giving them a voice. The scholarship is in his name and is my small contribution to keeping his name and dream alive. Read his story >
Projects in Nigeria and Sri Lanka will be considered but equally other projects where the aim of building community relations is strengthened.
The Premagyan Scholarship
The PremaGyan Scholarship celebrates Prema Verma, MA Economics, Rani Durgavati Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur India in 1960. She believed that women and men should have equal access to opportunity.
:: Scholarships for Humanitarians: You can earn the Roxbourg Humanitarian MBA or the Humanitarian Doctorate degree by learning to build social ventures including your own academy.
:: Scholarships for Academies: You can join the Roxbourg Humanitarian MBA for Groups together with your team.
:: Scholarships for Organizations: You can co-create highly customized Professional Higher Education programs based on the One Year Global MBA for as many as 1,000 candidates in your organization as well as your community.
The Prof. Verma Scholarship
The Prof. Verma Scholarship celebrates Professor Gyan Chandra Verma, who switched to teaching fairly late in his career after starting as a bureaucrat. He believed in the power of education. He encouraged his students to explore education as a career. Against all odds, he supported the creation of new educational institutions.
:: Scholarships for Teachers: You can earn the Roxbourg Humanitarian MBA or the Humanitarian Doctorate degree by learning to build your own academy.
:: Scholarships for Administrators: You can join the Roxbourg Humanitarian MBA for Groups by supporting new academies that are already accredited by Roxbourg.
:: Scholarships for Schools & Universities: You can co-create highly customized Professional Higher Education programs based on the One Year Global MBA for as many as 1,000 administrators and entrepreneurs who want to develop new capabilities for your educational institution.
About Roxbourg One Million Scholarships
Your scholarship level depends on your professional achievements, current economic conditions and the scope of your humanitarian project and social venture.
• How Roxbourg Need Based Scholarships work?
:: Candidates need to apply to the Roxbourg Institute of Social Entrepreneurship to start the admissions process.
:: All eligible candidates are invited for an interview with the Roxbourg Admissions office.
:: Selected candidates are invited to apply for a scholarship by identifying the program, the amount of the fees they can contribute and the level of sponsorship they would like to have from Roxbourg.
:: The Roxbourg Admissions Office provides an offer to the candidates so the candidates can complete the registration process and receive their enrollment letter.
• What’s NOT included in the Roxbourg Offer?
:: Computer / Internet
:: Direct investment in your Social Venture
• Roxbourg Scholarship Decision Checklist:
:: Venture Maturity: How mature is your venture? How are you addressing the needs of your community?
:: Venture Support: What is the level of support you need?
:: Financial Situation: Do you have a steady income? Are you cash flow positive?
:: Investment Level: What is the level of investment you are making in your sustainable project?
• Roxbourg Scholarship Decision Process:
:: After you apply you will receive a list of questions via email.
:: Once we receive your answers, we will invite you for an interview.
:: After the interview, we will confirm our Scholarship Offer.
:: After you complete the Admission Requirements, you will receive the enrollment letter.
:: Next we will invite you to the Pre-Onboarding Session.
:: This will be followed by an invitation to the Onboarding Session, where you will meet your classmates.
Note: All Roxbourg Scholarships are subject to the Roxbourg Policy.